Welcome to Hello Madam President® your Global Education, Empowerment & Apparel Resource for Women & Girls.

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Hello Madam President® is founded on Christian Principles.

Our Products & Services are unique in that they are infused with the Holy Spirit and sealed with Biblical Scripture as featured on our Royal Crest (logo).

“If you declare with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9 NIV


To Educate & Empower our Global Community to come together in unity to change the world in a positive, impactful way by building our own Power, Position & Wealth


  • INTEGRITY. Doing what is right.
  • RESPECT. Respecting ourselves and respecting others.
  • SERVANT LEADERSHIP. Serving while leading and leading while serving.


Through our Courses, Consultations & Conferences, we teach Women & Girls to become PRESIDENTS and to BE PRESIDENTIAL by providing structured, in-depth personal and business development education, demonstration & direction.  

Select a Service or Course Here


Our Luxe-Leisure Apparel Collection is designed with you in mind. Our Products are a direct, tangible representation of our global mission and values.

Shop The Collection Here

Oh She’s Presidential!

Being Presidential is not just what we do, it’s who we are.